Question: We received our survey results and there is an R1500 tag ? We are wondering if this is a state citation. The severity of it and if it will show up on our Nursing home compare report ?

Question: We received our survey results and there is an R1500 tag ? We are wondering if this is a state citation. The severity of it and if it will show up on our Nursing home compare report ?

150.008: Pharmaceutical Services and Medications


150.008(A)(4) Pharmaceutical Svcs & Medications - Policies

Facilities shall comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations relating to the procurement, storage, dispensing, administration, recording and disposal of drugs.



Based on record review and staff interview the facility failed to obtain informed consent for psychotropic medication administration as mandated by Massachusetts General Laws Section 72BB of Chapter 1





Here is the definition of the citation:

150.008: Pharmaceutical Services and Medications


Pharmaceutical Services and Medications:


All facilities must maintain current written policies and procedures regarding the procurement, storage, dispensing, administration and recording of drugs and medications. This section establishes the guidelines for handling medications and drugs at a facility. All medications must be accurately recorded and accounted for at all times, and each dose of medication administered shall be properly recorded in the clinical record with a signature of the administering nurse or responsible person. When drugs are transferred with a patient or resident, an accurate record must be made at the time of discharge including the following: date, name and new address of patient or resident; name of drug, strength, quantity, pharmacy and physician's name.



The Facility failed to obtain informed consent for psychotropic medication administration as mandated by Massachusetts General Laws Section 72BB of Chapter 1


See circular letters Antipsychotic Medications and Psychotropic Medications MA Letters from State