1.) Available:
- December 2023 Quarterly Confidential Feedback Reports are available to download from iQIES.
2.) Report Content:
- Facility Level Data.
- Stay-Level Data.
- SNF 30-Day All-Cause Readmission Measure (SNFRM) Results for FY 2019.
- FY 2019 SNFRM Results = FY 2025 SNF VBP Program Baseline Period.
- In effect October 1, 2024.
- The data and results for the performance period for the FY 2025 SNF VBP Program year will be disseminated in the June 2024 Quarterly Confidential Feedback Reports.
3.) Corrections:
- SNFs may submit corrections to FY 2019 Readmission Rate up to 30 days following this report being made available, until December 31, 2023.
- Corrections are limited to errors made by CMS or its contractors when calculating a SNF's readmission measure rate.
- SNFs must submit correction requests to SNFVBP@rti.org with the subject line "SNF VBP Review and Correction Inquiry" along with the SNF's:
• CMS Certification Number (CCN).
• Name.
• Correction Request.
• Reason for requesting the correction.
4.) Confidentiality
- These reports contain data protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
- Any disclosure of protected health information (PHI) or personal identifiable information (PII) should only be in accordance with, and to the extent permitted by, the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules and applicable law.
- When referring to the contents of the report, use the Line Number (located in the leftmost column of the '2 - Eligible Stays' tab) of the stay in question.
5.) Download Process:
To locate the Confidential Feedback Reports via downloading from iQIES:
- Log into iQIES at https://iqies.cms.gov/ using the Healthcare Quality Information Systems (HCQIS) Access Roles and Profile (HARP)
• User ID.
•Password. (If need a HARP account, register for a HARP ID.) - In the Reports menu, select My Reports.
- From the My Reports page, locate the MDS 3.0 Provider Preview Reports folder.
- Select the MDS 3.0 Provider Preview Reports link to open the folder.
- A list of reports available for download will be displayed.
- Locate SNF VBP Program Quarterly Confidential Feedback Report.
- Select More next to the desired SNF VBP Program Quarterly Confidential Feedback Report. The report will download through the browser. Once downloaded, open the file to view the facility's report.
6.) New Process
In June of 2023, CMS began disseminating the SNF VBP Program's quarterly confidential feedback reports via iQIES. Seeing this process is fairly new, some of the facility staff may be unaware of this change. Please do not judge because there are a significant amount of changes that occur and it is very difficult for all to keep up.