SNF VBP Program Early Look Performance Score Reports for FY 2026
CMS announced that the Early Look Performance Score Reports for the fiscal year (FY) 2026 Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing (SNF VBP) Program are now accessible through the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES).
This year marks a significant shift in the SNF VBP Program, as it expands to assess performance across multiple quality measures instead of a single measure. The Early Look Performance Score Report serves three crucial purposes for SNFs:
1. Familiarization: SNFs can get acquainted with the format of the official Performance Score Report that will be distributed for the FY 2026 Program year.
2. Scoring and Payment Methodology: Understand the scoring and payment methodology applied for the FY 2026 Program year.
3. Performance Insight: Gain insight into past performance on the four quality measures adopted for FY 2026 and model performance for the upcoming program year using historical data.
It's important to note that these Early Look Performance Score Reports are for informational purposes only. They do not reflect official performance in the SNF VBP Program and will not impact facility payments. Official performance information for the FY 2026 Program year will be shared by CMS based on updated measure data at a later date.
SNFs can access their Early Look Performance Score Reports via iQIES by following these simple steps:
1. Log into iQIES using your Health Care Quality Information Systems (HCQIS) Access Roles and Profile (HARP) user ID and password. If you don't have a HARP account, you can register for one.
2. Navigate to the Reports menu and select My Reports.
3. Locate the MDS 3.0 Provider Preview Reports folder and click on the MDS 3.0 Provider Preview Reports link.
4. Find the desired SNF VBP Program Early Look Performance Score Report (file name: SNFVBP_[CCN]_FY26_ELR_Apr2024.xlsx).
5. Once located, select More next to the report, and it will be downloaded through your browser. Open the file to view your facility's report.
Stay informed and proactive in enhancing your facility's performance in the SNF VBP Program. Download your Early Look Performance Score Report today!
For additional questions about accessing your SNF’s report, which can only be accessed in iQIES, please contact the QIES/iQIES Service Center by phone at (800) 339-9313 or by email at iqies@cms.hhs.gov.
Kris B. Harmony OTR/L, LNHA, MBA
President and CEO
KrisBHarmony, LLC
Cell: 617.595.6032
Email: Kris@KrisBHarmony.com